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Harmonizing with the Singing Warrior Moon

Writer's picture: Shannon SoimesShannon Soimes

Energies and aspects tone like individual tuning forks this full Singing Moon tomorrow, Sunday, October 9th, at 4:57 pm EDT. Fitting all of the vibrating elements into a social media post would only feel forced and off-beat, so here’s another full-moon blog article to try to understand the melody within what could easily become a cacophony clamoring for our attention.

The Sun and the Moon are facing each other on opposite sides of the Libra-Aries axis. The Libra-Aries axis resembles a tightrope between our external and internal relationships.

Libra Sun shines a powerful and focused spotlight on all of our different external relationships in life right now. While Libra wants everything in balance, the Sun’s nature can easily tip the scale towards sympathizing and catering to the others in our lives.

Venus empowers the sun in conjunction with Libra. Venus rules Libra and resonates happily while in residence, adding focus to relationships, balance, pleasure, and aesthetics. The conjunction between the Sun and Venus wants diplomacy and cooperation to herald and embrace peace on a macro and micro level.

Aries Moon offers a counterweight, shining a gentle silver light onto our relationship with ourselves, asking us to advocate for our needs and emotions with others and ourselves. The Aries Moon reminds us that we train others on how to treat us, and if we don’t take care of ourselves or give ourselves and our emotions or needs a voice, no one will hear them.

Chiron and Eris partner up with the Moon in conjunction with Aries. Chiron highlights the wounds—inflicted by others, but especially by self—present regarding our self-sovereignty and authenticity. Sometimes this wound is so deep that more than an activist is needed. This is where Rebel Warrior Eris steps in, supports Chiron’s healing, and propels Moon’s advocacy to voice and communicate for the Self.

Challenging Energies

Grand crosses are a rare figure in astrology and, thus, pretty significant. Four squares and two oppositions create the grand cross—or grand square—and in this Singing Warrior Moon, a Cardinal Grand Cross plays in accompaniment.

The grand cross can be challenging energy to work with because of the four planets in the four corners of a modality.

This grand cross sees the Aries Moon—and conjunctions—squaring off with…

…a conjunction between Lilith and Pallas in Cancer, which is squaring off with…

…Libra Sun and Venus with Capricorn Pluto, which is squaring off with the Aries placements.

Ever heard a quartet with all four voices trying to sing lead on the melody? The range and abilities of each part vary. The same holds true for the four placements squaring off in a grand cross. In a cardinal grand cross this can translate to not knowing where to start thus having a hard time reaching goals.

The key to utilizing the grand cross energy is by working with the oppositions—the Aries-Libra placements and the Cancer-Capricorn planets. Finding a balance between the Aries self-sovereignty, the Libra partnership by expressing your needs, concerns, and needs without silencing the other in the relationship is half the battle.

Next, the conjunction in Cancer between Lilith and Pallas calls for primal instincts to nurture receptivity and empathic strategies to defend our emotional wounds and the emotional wounds of others. Literally two powerhouse receptive energies supporting each other in a receptive sign to care for right brain and heart centered, receptive information.

Pluto sits opposite in Capricorn. Here, he points out and purges the wasteful, unnecessary and unsupportive institutions and systems (in bits and pieces or on whole). The purging allows for the energies in Cancer to actually problem solve and hold space for what had been unable to be expressed.

Once the two oppositions are balanced and can be aligned to work in harmony with each other, the four squares become less of a four person cage match, duking it out for the win, and become more of a four voice quartet.

The Lilith and Pallas in Cancer squares to the Sun, Moon, and their conjunctions call for addressing and expressing emotional wounds around self within relationships and partnerships. This energy calls for diplomatic discourse to hear everyone’s concerns, fears, dreams, and intentions. Our lives and our interactions with others don’t happen in an echo chamber and the squares with Lilith and Pallas challenge us to be aware of our own receptivity and to hold space for the receptivity of others.

Capricorn Pluto squaring the Sun, Moon, and their conjunctions involves investigating and asking tough questions of ourselves and of the people we are in relationships with—be it platonic, romantic, or business.

A few of these questions may look like this:

  • Where are we wasting our energy?

  • Are we fighting to maintain a rotting system or structure?

  • Are we fighting to change that doesn’t need replacing?

  • Are you using or misusing your authority, your personal power?

  • Are you being influenced by someone else using or misusing their authority or power?

This Capricorn Pluto square energy wants us to be aware of ourselves, completely, to know where our authority lies and what is stepping over a line. The challenge is to learn when to use our personal power and when not to apply it; when to speak up and when to stay silent. Not everything is our battle.

Harmonious Energies

In harmonious aspect to the Sun, Moon, and their conjunctions are the Saturn-Vesta conjunction in Aquarius and the Gemini Mars. Mars in Gemini is a cerebral warrior, using words and information to uncover the truth to aid in balancing our emotions and our focus as well as ourselves and others as diplomatically as possible. Fact-checking with Gemini Mars helps with keeping our own information strong and not unintentionally spreading misinformation.

Vesta is the asteroid that describes how our individual holiness is our wholeness; we are complete and whole onto ourselves and that is sacred. Saturn is of course a hard worker and a disciplinarian, but in Aquarius Saturn is also more into working smarter, not harder. This conjunction supports a foundation of smart work and fulfillment of self in order to work together for peace and the futures we want to see manifested.

Also flying in the sky this Singing Warrior Moon is a Kite. A kite configuration consists of one opposition—Aries Moon to Libra Sun—and two sets of harmonious aspects—trine and sextiles to Gemini Mars and Aquarius Saturn. This kite lifts us to see the opportunity to grow and create relationships, interactions, and communications within them to work for everyone, to support expression from all involved.

Most other articles, posts, and videos refer to this full moon as the Hunter’s Moon. As an intuitive witch, interested in astrology, energy work, and history, I can’t tell you how wrong this name felt for this moon to either myself or Megan during our many discussions. So dove into the other names from other cultures around the world for inspiration and landed close to the Coligny Continental Celtic lunar name, Cantios or Song-Time. This is a time to raise our voices in song and joy as we continue to harvest the abundance of the earth around us and celebrate the spooky season—the coming of the Witch’s New Year aka Samhain.

This full moon, the aspects resonated in chorus to each other with each providing an unique voice, sound, or energy to be heard or understood both in part and at once. They may feel or seem out of sync to some, making this full moon’s energy discordant, but the potential for a full scale orchestra harmonizing and playing exists as well.

What's in a Name

Individually, the name is significant as well as it calls for us all to raise our voice and add it to the choir. Singing, speaking, signing, writing, using our voices in anyway we can or feel drawn to vibrates the energy in and around us, acting as an architect to manifest our dreams, what we believe, and what we need. We also have the ability to synchronize our voices with that of others in our lives, so that one voice doesn’t take away from another’s.

if you don’t sing, you can’t be a part of the choir. If you don’t speak up, the vibration of your will/mind to manifest your dreams/desires into existence will be off key or syncopation.

Another aspect of naming this full moon was Alala, the personification and goddess of the battlecry in Ancient Greece. As a member of Ares' war and warrior spirits, Alala emboldens and raises courage with her battlecry. Using our voices—singing, speaking, signing, drawing, writing, etc—and projecting our wills (from the diaphragm and solar plexus chakra) is, sometimes, all it takes to initiate change in our environments and spheres of influence.

Personally, I’ve set boundaries, stopped passive-aggressive behavior, and caused thoughtless and inconsiderate actions to transform.

The Singing Warrior Moon holds the space for us to understand what we believe, what we’re willing to fight for, and how to do it diplomatically that supports peace and the beliefs and fights others are working towards.

Some ways to tap into and utilize the Singing Warrior Moon energy is speaking up for yourself, listening to others, writing poetry, doodling and drawing what you feel, journaling, singing, humming, and deep breath work.

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