Yesterday, the June Solstice marked the Witch’s Sabbat of Litha—the beginning of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere and Yule—the beginning of Winter in the Southern. Today, June 21st at 9:07 pm EDT, the Full Honey Moon will glow from 1° on the Capricorn-Cancer axis, facing the Sun, Mercury, and Venus amidst the Solstice energies and revelries.
If you’re anything like Megan and me, the anticipation of Summer's approach often zaps our motivation and creativity. Our Scorpionic selves crave the dark, quiet embrace of the Autumn and Winter seasons.
This Solstice and the immediate Full Moon have highlighted this effect on me. As the event approached, my energy and motivation dwindled, leaving me with only the desire to indulge in my purest form of entertainment—reading. However, as I began preparing for the Full Honey Moon—and writing this article—I had a Eureka! moment when the alignments and information clicked into place.
Just as honey is a sweet medicinal substance, the Full Honey Moon serves as an assessment of what brings us joy, where our priorities lie, and whether we are actively living in accordance with those joys and priorities.
The Honey Full Moon is also the first of two Capricorn Moons this summer, with the Blue Mead Full Moon occurring in a month’s time on July 21st at the critical 29°, closing this particularly influential period of appraisal.
Capricorn-Cancer Axis
The cardinal axis of Capricorn and Cancer represents a delicate balance between practical and emotional responsibilities, actions, and roles as Earth and Water signs. Each sign emphasizes the need to manage a healthy balance between life and work, duty and amusement, whether for ourselves, our families, friends, tribes, or even acquaintances and strangers.
Capricorn urges us to diligently take care of our chores and tasks, embodying the essence of responsibility and hard work. On the other hand, Cancer's nurturing nature craves time spent with loved ones, emphasizing emotional connections and care. These parallels are beautifully reflected through the industrious creatures that produce honey—bees.
Bees typify the harmony of the Capricorn-Cancer axis. They perform various tasks, such as gathering and distributing pollen from flower to flower before returning to the hive, where they communicate vital information to their fellows through intricate dance patterns. Their hives and devotion to their Queen exemplify the nurturing Cancer energy of the axis, while their commitment to necessary tasks like foraging, building, guarding, cleaning, and nursing perfectly illustrates the hardworking Capricorn energy.
By finding a balance on the Capricorn-Cancer axis, we can examine our work and personal lives to determine if we are living in accordance with our values, priorities, and dreams. Are we nurturing our emotional needs while also fulfilling our responsibilities? Or are we allowing external forces to sideline our true purpose and alignment with our highest good?
The Moon
The Capricorn Moon eased into opposition with the Sun and its conjunctions, adding depth, practicality, and tactical awareness to Solstice energies. This Full Honey Moon brings a moment of reckoning, asking us to evaluate the progress of our projects, goals, and intentions. It, along with our subconscious selves and our emotional bodies, urges us to conduct a thorough assessment of our tasks and responsibilities, highlighting what requires more attention and energy.
Under the illuminating light of the Full Honey Moon, Capricorn's influence demands that we take a step back and ask ourselves critical questions: What are our goals? Are these goals working for us? Are the actions we’re taking to achieve those goals effective? Do we need to change our approach and reprioritize what is best for our energy and well-being?
This is a time to shine light on areas of our lives that have been ignored, neglected, underdeveloped, or in need of some tactical adjustment. Are there projects that have fallen by the wayside, tasks that need completion, or goals that no longer serve our highest purpose?
The Moon in Capricorn emphasizes the disciplinary and methodical nature of the cardinal earth sign. It encourages us to bring a pragmatic eye to our plans and dreams, identifying what needs to be taken care of before we allow ourselves to relax and enjoy the fruits of our labor.
The Moon stands alone in Capricorn, holding space and energy for this deep assessment of our lives, needs, and desires. This solitary placement motivates us to feel secure and support our highest good. It’s a reminder that while relaxation and enjoyment are essential, they are best appreciated when balanced with the fulfillment of our responsibilities and goals. This Full Honey Moon, therefore, serves as both a beacon and a guidepost, illuminating the path to a more balanced and harmonious existence, grounded in practical wisdom and emotional clarity.
The Sun
The Solstice marks the transition from one season into the next, when the Sun “stands still.” It’s a time to celebrate with friends, family, and tribe before the onset of the intensity of summer or winter.
The fact that the Sun—representing our conscious mind—meets the Moon in face-to-face opposition a day and degree later emphasizes the lack of motivation or energy to waste on things—or people—that don’t align with our priorities or bring us joy.
Joining the Sun in Cancer are Mercury—our thoughts and communication—and Venus—our aesthetics and desires. These two planets' conjunctions with the Sun add oomph and weight to the desire to relax and decompress from the energies around us causing stress and disharmony.
Mercury in Cancer wants to find the individuals we care for to share ideas, conversations, and levity. It’s ready for a vacation or staycation and some long-awaited downtime with friends, family, and tribe members. Mercury in this placement doesn’t have the patience to slow down and explain the inside jokes or references to people not in the know, no matter who they are.
Venus, meanwhile, is following her nesting instincts in Cancer. She champions the need to take time and space to decompress with the things and beings we love in order to process the stress and events of life, whether it is what has happened up to this point, what is coming, or in general.
These three celestial bodies—Sun, Mercury, and Venus—conjunct in Cancer underline the importance of finding joy in simplicity, company, pleasure, and relaxation. This cosmic alignment urges us to focus on our well-being, our relationships, and activities that bring us genuine happiness and comfort.
The Solstice, coupled with these Cancerian energies, creates an ideal time to retreat from the demands of the outside world and immerse ourselves in the warmth of our personal sanctuaries. It’s a moment to reconnect with our innermost selves and the people who matter most, allowing the healing balm of joy and relaxation to soothe our souls.
As we bask in the glow of the Full Honey Moon, the combined influence of the Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Cancer invites us to embrace the nurturing aspects of our nature. This period encourages us to cultivate a sense of belonging and happiness, reminding us that true joy often lies in the simplest pleasures and the closest connections.
Squares occur at 90° from one celestial body to another on the chart. They are considered hard aspects as they offer challenges to each other—in this case, challenges to the Cancer placements and the Capricorn Moon.
This lunation features two of the three squares out-of-sign and at the critical 29° of their respective signs. Celestials at 0° of any sign exemplify the pure, uninfluenced energy of that sign, while the last degree, 29°, signifies the culmination and mastery of everything it means to be that sign.
The nature of an out-of-sign square derives from mathematically dividing a 360° circle into four quadrants, unrelated to the element, polarity, or modality the two points share. Virgo positions typically form 120° trines with other Earth signs like Capricorn or 60° sextiles with complementary signs like Cancer. However, the placements in this lunation occur either at the very beginning of their respective signs or at the critical last degree, creating unique tensions.
Meanwhile, Makemake in Libra makes a cardinal square while Lilith in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces, both at 29°, form the out-of-sign squares.
Makemake signifies manifestation, environmental order, and intelligence. This celestial body urges us to look beyond human-centric behavior, habits, and thinking to understand and resonate with Nature, our fellow earthly denizens, and our ecosystems. The cardinal square between Capricorn Moon, the Cancer placements, and Libra Makemake offers opportunities to blend these differing perceptions of reality as challenges with Nature and the environment present themselves.
Lilith in Virgo challenges our conscious and subconscious assessments through practical and mercurial questioning about routines, details, and mundane needs. Are we doing this morning jog because it’s genuinely good for us, or are we performing it because it’s expected and part of our routine? Should the jog be replaced with rowing exercises, swimming laps, or simply moved to a different time of day? The square to Virgo Lilith seeks to shake us out of habits we perform out of expectation rather than genuine benefit.
The square with Neptune in Pisces is especially significant. It provokes deep spiritual opportunities for self-recognition, self-validation, and scrubbing away the unnecessary—if not dead—layers of energy around our physical, emotional, and subtle bodies. It exposes illusions, delusions, and glamors, clarifying our authentic abilities, power, magick, and talents.
Pisces is Neptune’s natural domicile, and both energies hold significant sway over intuition, psychic abilities, and spiritual practices. Neptune at the critical 29° has churned and upwelled these energies for years. Until March 2025, Neptune will float at this precipice, urging us to continue our spiritual evolution.
These squares compel us to confront and integrate our highest and lowest aspects, asking us to reevaluate routines, embrace environmental consciousness, and refine our spiritual practices. This process, though challenging, promises profound growth and alignment with our true selves.
The Septiles
Septiles are an unconventional aspect as they do not and cannot rationally divide the 360° circle. Instead, each septile is about 51.43° from each point. Though a minor aspect, it signifies spiritual insights, mystical experiences, and a touch of destiny, connecting two points without rationale.
There are two septiles occurring this Full Honey Moon, one from the Cancer Sun to Taurus Mars and the other from Capricorn Moon to Scorpio Haumea. Each of these suggests a subtle but mystical connection bridging consciousness to action and subconsciousness to radical growth.
The septile between the Cancer Sun and Taurus Mars brings an intuitive and almost mystical alignment between our conscious self and our actions. This aspect encourages us to act on our deeper instincts and emotional truths, blending the nurturing energy of Cancer with the determined and steadfast nature of Taurus. It's a call to take grounded and deliberate actions that resonate with our core values and emotional needs. This subtle energy may guide us to pursue our goals with a sense of spiritual purpose and inner knowing, even if the path forward isn’t entirely clear.
The septile between the Capricorn Moon and Scorpio Haumea signifies a profound connection between our subconscious mind and transformative growth. Haumea, a dwarf planet associated with fertility and creation, brings intense regenerative energy to the disciplined and practical Capricorn Moon. This aspect suggests that deep emotional work and introspection can lead to radical and transformative changes in our lives. It invites us to trust in the process of emotional renewal and to embrace the cycles of death and rebirth within our own psyches.
These septile aspects highlight the Full Honey Moon's unique potential for spiritual growth and transformation. They offer us an opportunity to connect with deeper layers of our being, guiding us to take actions that are aligned with our higher purpose and to embrace the transformative power of our subconscious mind.
Harmonious Aspects
Making harmonious trines and sextiles to the Capricorn and Cancer placements are Chiron and Eris in Aries—out-of-sign aspects—Mars trining the Capricorn Moon, and Haumea trining the Cancer conjunction.
Eris, the 10th planet, is a slow-moving dwarf planet beyond Pluto, and she has been in Aries since 1926. Eris will remain in Aries until 2048, continuing to work her fearless and fierce energy to revolutionize freedom and independence.
Meanwhile, Chiron the centaur entered Aries in 2019, coinciding with a global spike in concerns about health and wellness, especially mental health awareness and covid. Chiron won’t transit into Taurus until 2027, when he’ll shift his focus to address different societal and cultural wounds.
These two Aries placements make out-of-sign trines to the Capricorn Moon and out-of-sign sextiles to the Cancer Sun. During this lunation, the Chaos Queen and the Wounded Healer offer gentle but firm support to the luminaries, as we appraise and prioritize our lives. They call to question what our freedoms are. Are our freedoms being honored, or are we infringing on the freedoms of others? Do we have autonomy over our bodies and health, or are those privileges rather than rights?
Also bringing harmonious and elemental resonance to the Capricorn Moon is Mars in Taurus. Mars provides action-oriented support to the Moon—our emotional selves. As our subconscious calls for an assessment of our goals, dreams, and priorities, Mars takes slow, methodical steps that allow for a comfortable pace forward. Taurus Mars seeks to keep us grounded in practical action, ensuring we address what needs our attention before rewarding ourselves with well-deserved relaxation and leisure.
Haumea in Scorpio trines the Cancer Sun, creating a resonant connection between the two water signs. Haumea, associated with fertility, creation, and transformation, infuses the Sun's energy with a deep, regenerative power. This aspect supports the Cancer Sun's desire for emotional connection, nurturing, and self-care, encouraging us to embrace transformative growth and renewal in our lives without avoiding the harder changes that may need to happen.
Final Reflections
As mentioned at the beginning of this article, this Full Honey Moon is the first of two consecutive Capricorn Full Moons. This lunation opens the assessment period with the gentle energies from out-of-sign aspects to septiles and the solitary Capricorn Moon. The Blue Mead Full Moon on July 21st will end the period with firmer and more insistent energies.
As we navigate the Solstice energies, let this sweet-yet-medicinal Full Moon be a guide, urging us to balance our responsibilities with our desires for emotional connection and joy. By addressing the areas that need our attention and energy, we create a stable foundation from which we can move forward with clarity and purpose, ultimately allowing ourselves the freedom to relax and celebrate the joys of the season.
Our thoughts and perceptions shape our reality, so keeping our well being as an important priority will help manifest the life we want to live as the unnecessary, ineffective, and defective pieces of reality fall away.