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The Super Blue Moon

Writer's picture: Shannon SoimesShannon Soimes

This month ends as it began—with a full moon,called a blue moon. Blue Moons are relatively rare, gracing the skies only about 3% of the time. Supermoons happen about 25% of the time. The last Blue Moon also occurred in August, back in 2021. Today, August 30, 2023, the Super Blue Moon illuminates the Virgo-Pisces axis at 9:35 pm EDT.

The Virgo-Pisces axis underscores the themes of service, routines and dreams, as well as micro and macro layers of literally everything. For example the health or illness of the physical body acts as a micro layer of the discordant or harmonious energies in the energy bodies that act as the macro.

Virgo’s analytical and detail-oriented nature leans towards the practical ways of service as well as the micro elements to our everyday lives—routines, nutrition, cleaning and cleansing, and working. Pisces’ energy, on the other hand, looks towards the bigger picture at dreams, spiritual beliefs and practices, fantasies, etc.

While both Virgo and Pisces energy have tendencies to over-give and can represent martyrdom and self-sacrifice, this Super Blue Moon focuses on service towards ourselves. You can’t give from an empty cup. Once we ourselves are full—of happiness, satisfaction, worth, confidence, etc.—we brim with excess that we naturally seek to share with our tribes, our communities, and society in general.

Retrograding Energies

While many of the celestial bodies in the sky don’t make direct aspects to the Sun or Moon during this lunation, many are retrograde, influencing the energies of the Super Blue Moon.

Retrograding planets hold the lesson of slowing down, reflecting, reviewing, and allow for time to introspect on our motivations. The list of retrograding celestials include Mercury in Virgo, Venus in Leo, Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, Chiron in Aries, Chariklo in Aquarius, Uranus in Taurus, and Pluto in Capricorn.

Each of these retrogrades not only carve out the space and time to reflect and review, but they each ask pointed questions to help us ascertain what is and is not of service to us in our lives—both the daily routines as well as the big picture dreams.

Here are some examples of potential retrograde questions:

  • Retrograding Mercury in Virgo asks, “What details in our mundane lives need to be reviewed and edited if not eliminated to make our practical lives easier and efficient? How are our routines serving the self?”

  • Retrograding Venus in Leo asks, “What do we value and finding pleasing? Are any of the opposites—the things and actions we find little to no value in or are discordant to our aesthetic—serving us, and if so, how?”

  • Retrograding Saturn in Pisces asks, “What are our individual responsibilities? Are we avoiding them? Why? Is procrastinating or avoiding those responsibilities to ourselves serving to manifest the future we each desire?”

  • Retrograding Neptine in Pisces asks, “What delusions and lies are we telling ourselves and are they really serving our psychic and/or spiritual growth? Do they serve to shape our dreams? What are our dreams and how can our psychic abilities and spiritual growths help us make those dreams come true?”

  • Retrograding Chiron in Aries asks, “Where do we hurt? What injuries have we sustained and what energies are we holding onto due to those wound? Are those energies serving to provide uplifting and inspiring lessons in our life?”

  • Retrograding Chariklo in Aquarius asks us, “As beings of manifested energy, what energies do we radiate and thus attract? Do those energies serve us? Can we give ourselves the grace needed to radiate the energy that does serve us?” She also asks us to review the boundaries around us, both our own and those that belong to others. Not only should we make sure our boundaries are serving us, but that we are respecting others’ evolving boundaries as well.

  • Retrograding Uranus in Taurus asks, “Are we wearing blinders in any areas of our life? Do we see and know the energies around us? Are there any new innovations, inventions, or visions of the future that we need to make our life better and fair? What old ways of doing and being actual serve us and what ways need to be revolutionized?”

  • Retrograding Pluto in Capricorn asks, “What secrets are we keeping? Do they serve or hinder us and the future we want to manifest? Does exposing those secrets serve or hinder our progress? What structures and rules in our lives actually serve us and what can be eliminated to better serve our lives?”

Each of these retrograding celestials work with this Super Blue Moon to better understand and evaluate what in our lives actually serves us and the future we dream of.

The Sun

The Virgo Sun centers our consciousness and awareness on the mundane aspects of our lives, everything from our routines to the physical body to tasks of keeping ourselves in healthy environments.

The Sun illuminates the details of everyday life not just to analyze and critique, but to spotlight what is actually working, what can be improved to make daily life efficient, easier, and thus more enjoyable, and what unnecessary details clutter our life that do not serve us. What comes to mind as this placement is decluttering all of the layers MarieKondo style? Does it serve our lives and selves? Does it spark joy?

Mercury is retrograde in Virgo and despite not directly aspecting either of the Luminaries—the Sun and the Moon—its role this Super Blue Moon isn’t subtle. Introspection and slowing down to think things through is at the core of Mercury retrogrades. Transiting the same sign as the Sun, Mercury supports the Virgo Sun by causing us to become aware of where and how we’ve been on autopilot. Typos are a great example of needing to slow down and review our communications, thinking processes, and how we share those thoughts.

Black Moon Lilith in Leo makes an out-of-sign conjunction to the Virgo Sun. Lilith represents our hidden abilities and self empowerment especially in Leo. The out-of-sign conjunction enforces the power to express ourselves, our needs, and our truth, adding details for clarification. Black Moon Lilith supports the Virgo Sun by adding our developing awareness of our personal powers and how to use them to serve and empower ourselves.

Placements in Pisces

Our society and culture up until this point has encouraged us to ignore our intuition or has provided us with a wide variety of distractions. During this Super Blue Moon, the placements of the celestials—especially the Pisces Moon—look to strengthen and affirm our connection to our intuition, psychic abilities, and spiritual growth.

The Moon represents our emotions and what we need to feel secure. In Pisces, the Moon highlights our intuition and our soul-deep senses or feelings. If something does or doesn’t feel right or resonate as the truth or the full story, listening to that intuitive feeling is important.

Our intuition and the development of our psychic senses serves us on a macro level as we each seek to manifest the future we dream of living. I know people who have followed their intuition to do their laundry instead of commuting to and were spared from tragedies that occurred that day. Others have simply listened to their intuition and walked a new path around their neighborhood, finding a 20 dollar bill on the ground waiting for them.

Working with the Pisces Moon allows us to go beyond the mundane routines of our lives and find how we can and do serve our own selves to manifest and live our dream lives.

Retrograding Saturn and Neptune conjunct the Pisces Moon. Saturn’s conjunction begins a few hours before the exact full moon opposition and Neptune’s will start about eight hours after the exact opposition between the Sun and the Moon.

The conjunction between the Moon and retrograde Saturn brings a sensitivity and weightiness to our reality, the foundational experiences of our past, and our responsibilities, especially to ourselves. Saturn supports the full moon by giving us the energy to accept and work through what needs to be taken care of. Saturn sets a slow and steady pace into the future with each completion of tasks burdening us, and asks us to follow our gut and the feelings we get down to our bones.

Mercury and Saturn are in opposition to each other, balancing the energies of the other. Retrograde Saturn’s measured momentum allows us the time and space to pay attention to the details highlighted by retrograde Mercury. Mercury retrograde’s details adds depth and understanding to the long-term plan and motivations being re-evaluated by Saturn’s retrograde. They also support each other by encouraging us to reach out for tangible help when we feel we need it.

Neptune in retrograde conjunct the Moon hours after the conjunction with Saturn highlights a pattern in this lunation—take care of the practical, mundane stuff before doing the psychic, energetic, spiritual stuff. If we skip, ignore, or procrastinate on the practical substance in our lives, the energy from retrograding Neptune conjunct the Pisces Moon can all too easily lead to self-delusions.

On the other hand, once the mundane tasks get taken care of, the Neptune-Moon conjunction with Saturn’s energy rippling through the sign gives us the chance to not only utilize our intuition consciously, but to start working with it daily, scheduling practicing our psychic sense and gifts so they become second nature to us, supporting our spiritual growth.

Sedna Square

Sedna transits the first decan—the first ten degrees from 0 to 9—of Gemini, squaring the Sun, Moon, and Saturn. The energy of the square aspect can be harsh or aggressive. With Sedna representing our emotional depths and potential maelstrom that comes with transitions and endings, the square between these celestials can feel like a jab in the nose, or an energy charging at you.

This square can rub us the wrong way, against our emotions, ego, and intuition. The energies at play, moving through life don’t necessarily know or understand our sensitivities or the healing wounds just starting to scab over.

Remember to breathe and transcend the moment(s), using calming techniques and serene communications to express yourself, what you are feeling, why, and what you need—especially to yourself.

Harmonious Jupiter

Jupiter in Taurus trines the Virgo Sun and makes a sextile to the Pisces Moon. Considered a benefic energy, Jupiter expands and adds to the energies of both the sign it transits as well as the celestials it aspects. That does mean this beneficial energy can easily become too much of a good thing.

The earth trine between Taurus Jupiter and Virgo Sun can lead to expanding our focus and concentration on our health, our environments, and our routines. The rabbit-hole here can be harping on the details, and nitpicking to make things “just perfect” before doing. Practical action and an ever-developing plan that allows adaptability when required can keep that negative potential at bay.

The receptive sextile between Jupiter and the Moon can increase our ability to hear and heed our own intuition, but it can also trigger hypersensitivity both of a psychic nature and of an emotional one. Correcting a typo or questioning a portion of a plan doesn’t equate to judging and criticizing ourselves and our characters. Jupiter can support the growth of our psychic senses and spiritual growth as long as we keep negative talk or thoughts from weighing us down into isolation, depression, and low self-esteem and confidence.

The 7th Harmonic Septile

As we delve into the celestial energies of this Super Blue Moon, a particular astrological aspect emerges—one that adds an intriguing layer to the cosmic dance. The septile aspect, known as the 7th harmonic, forms a unique connection between the Virgo Sun and Haumea in the final critical degree—29—of Libra.

Astrology names the septiles as a minor aspect, but minor does not mean trivial. What makes an aspect minor or major directly translates to math. Minor aspects take longer to calculate, especially mentally. The septile is a minor aspect because it divides the 360 degrees of a circle by 7 into irrational numbers—in this case 51.42857… Major aspects divide the circle into rational numbers—oppositions by 2, squares by 4, trines by 3, and sextiles by 6—all rational numbers.

The septile is often considered a mysterious and mystical angle because the energy between two celestials can not be resolved or understood with rational logic. Instead the septile requires intuitive and instinctive thinking, representing a bridge between the spiritual and material realms. It's a subtle yet potent influence, linking celestial energies in a way that transcends the ordinary. In this case, the septile between the Sun and Haumea invites us to explore the deeper layers of transformation and rebirth that both Virgo and Haumea energies embody.

The Virgo Sun's analytical and detail-oriented nature takes on a new dimension as it forms this septile with Haumea. Haumea represents transformation, renewal, and birthing cycles. This combination encourages us to see beyond the surface and uncover the hidden threads of growth and change woven into the fabric of our lives.

Just as the Super Blue Moon highlights the interplay between the mundane and the spiritual, the septile aspect encourages us to look beyond the visible and embrace the mystical. It's a reminder that the universe is always whispering secrets to those who are willing to listen, and that even the smallest shifts can hold profound significance. As we navigate the energies of this lunation, let the septile between the Sun and Haumea act as a guide in uncovering the hidden magick within your daily routines, practical actions, and spiritual aspirations.

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We created Metaphysical Apothecary as a place to share hidden knowledge and, perhaps, use that knowledge to gain a deeper understanding of our universe and our purpose. 

By exploring history's secrets and uncovering lost or hidden knowledge, we can develop a deeper understanding of how to heal our bodies, minds, emotions, and spirits. 


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Metaphysical means outside or beyond the physical realm. An apothecary is a place people visit to obtain the knowledge, supplies, and medicine needed to heal themselves. Healing alleviates suffering and helps us achieve peace, both with ourselves and with those around us.

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