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Blue Mead Full Moon

Writer's picture: Shannon SoimesShannon Soimes

The second full moon on the Capricorn-Cancer axis occurs on Sunday, July 21st at 6:17 am EDT. This Blue Mead Full Moon shines from the critical 29°, continuing the journey that the Full Honey Moon began on June 21st at 1°. The Mead Moon emphasizes the fermentation of the assessment process, appraising what brings joy and what heralds stress, as well as intensifying the need to evaluate whether we are living according to our true joys and priorities, urging us to act accordingly. 

In our modern society, the Capricorn-Cancer axis represents the energy loop of responsibility, success, nurturing, and self-care. We must understand what and where our responsibilities lie to succeed and nurture, whether it’s a job or a family unit. Additionally, we need to nurture ourselves to effectively manage our responsibilities.

The sweet, medicinal Honey Full Moon last month gently guided our consciousness into this axis’s energy loop, encouraging us to appraise our lives and realign our priorities to find joy. Now, the Blue Mead Full Moon heightens the Capricorn-Cancer axis energy, demanding the finalization of our assessments. It ensures a healthy and supportive loop encompassing responsibility, success, nurturing, and self-care.

Energy Reset

During the Cross-Quarter Full Moon of May 5, 2023, we experienced the shift in lunar energy. That full moon saw the beginning of a lunar pattern shift where full moons lead the zodiacal seasons. The full moons since the 2023 Cross-Quarter Moon lead the lunar cycles through revelations and enlightenment, white the new moons set intentions and took steps based on those revelations. 

The lunar cycle pattern of full moon to new moon lunations emphasized the need to observe ourselves and our surroundings before setting our intentions and taking action to manifest our goals. 

This Cancer season, the lunar phases have lined up with the Full Honey Moon on June 21st, the New Moon on July 5th, and now the second Blue Mead Full Moon on July 21st. During the next zodiac season—Leo—the first phase to lead the lunation cycle will be the New Moon on August 4th. 

This reset returns the lunar pattern to new moons and intention setting leading the cycle while the full moons occur afterwards allowing time and space for necessary adjustments—mental, spiritual, emotional, psychic, magickal and physical—as the actualization of our intentions and the results of our actions become more apparent. 

The Blue Mead Full Moon is the first full moon phase since before the Cross-Quarter moon in 2023 to occur after a new moon, and thus is the first time in over a year we can to process what our intentions and actions have manifested, allowing ourselves this time to reflect on not only what the Blue Mead Full Moon has intensified—finding joy and reprioritizing—but also on what manifested and experienced during this Cancer Season before entering into Leo season in a few days on July 23rd. 

For example, back during the Full Honey Moon on June 21st, it became abundantly clear both in my personal life as well as my professional arenas that I needed to re-engage with what brought me the most joy, reading, writing, and painting. This led to me asking myself questions of hows to prioritize these things in my life while managing my busy schedule between the Metaphysical Apothecary, my day job, as well as my personal business. 

On July 5th, I set my intentions and started to act on those, increasing the activities that brought me joy and setting boundaries around my website——my day job’s expectations, as well as continue to adjust what Megan and I wanted to clarify on the Metaphysical Apothecary. 

Now, as the Blue Mead Moon approaches, I can see what I was able to achieve during the Cancer Season (a definite increase in my joy factors) and what I wasn’t (I completely forgot about my personal business boundaries as the season progressed). As this full moon is more intensely aligned appraising joy and priorities, I’m also seeing where Universe demands I focus my efforts or It will for me. 

The Critical Anaretic 29°

One theory within astrology is the Degree Theory. Simply, this theory holds that each degree adds depth and meaning to the celestial or house cusp point because each degree between 1 and 29 is influenced by the 12 zodiac signs. 

  • Aries influences degrees 1, 13, and 25

  • Taurus influenced degrees 2, 14, and 26

  • Gemini influenced degrees 3, 15, and 27

  • Cancer influenced degrees 4, 16, and 28

  • Leo influenced degrees 5, 17, and 29

  • Virgo influenced degrees 6 and 18

  • Libra influenced degrees 7 and 19

  • Scorpio influenced degrees 8 and 20

  • Sagittarius influenced degrees 9 and 21

  • Capricorn influenced degrees 10 and 22

  • Aquarius influenced degrees 11 and 23

  • Pisces influenced degrees 12 and 24

The first degree, the Zero Point or the Initiatory Degree, expresses a sign’s undiluted and quintessential essence. It is one of two incredibly important degrees within each sign, the other being the last 29 degrees also known as the Anaretic Degree. 

The anaretic degrees is the accumulation of the sign and all of the experiences derived from transiting that sign’s energy. The placements at this degree are at a threshold of a new experience, but at 29°, they hold knowingness that becomes a part of their knowledge basis for the future is not the same as what will be learned. 

The Sun at 29° Cancer, the Moon at 29° Capricorn, and Neptune 29° Pisces are all on the brink of a new cycle. The energy, while they hover at the anaretic degree, supports recognizing the experiences and lessons learned during their transits through their respective signs. 

The Sun’s transit through Cancer brought conscious awareness towards self-care and nurturing. The Moon moving through Capricorn highlighted emotional understanding of our responsibilities and practical needs to feel stable and supported. Finally, Neptune’s transit through Pisces starting back in 2011 and lasting until 2026 emphasizes spirituality, psychic awareness, and recognizing illusions or glamours.

A few other celestials to note here include Uranus at 26° Taurus and Pluto at 1° Aquarius. While neither of these planets are currently at the anaretic degree, they are within close proximity to it. Uranus is edging closer, revolutionizing how we perceive and interact with food and currency to name a couple of things. 

Meanwhile, Pluto has been and will continue to move over and across the 29° of Capricorn until the end of 2024. Since this reality does not function like a light switch, with clear off and on labels, Pluto’s movement back and forth over the anaretic degree of Capricorn emphasizes the progression out of the old traditions, orders, and ways of doing things and moving forward as the new customs, understandings, and ways are being created. 

The three outer planets’ relation to the 29° also holds importance as Uranus forms a sextile (60° aspect) from Neptune which forms a sextile to Pluto, which trines Uranus creating a circuit of energy that can develop and strengthen our multidimensional consciousness, psychic senses, and self empowerment. 

The Sun

The Sun in astrology represents our consciousness, our ego, and our vitality. In Cancer, the Sun spotlights our consciousness on our emotions, especially what nurtures them in self-care. The critical nature of the 29° of Capricorn also emphasizes the need to find and experience what brings us joy. 

Vulkan at 3° Leo makes an out-of-sign conjunction to the Cancer Sun. Vulkan’s creative energy supports the Sun, forging a new path ahead of the luminary as well as lighting the way with its fires. 

The celestial’s artistic energy also inspires new creations, as we continue to appraise the things, habits, behaviors, routines, and influences in our lives on the joy scale. Eliminating those that hinder or detract from our joy in life opens an opportunity for us to consciously create new and different things that might help support our joy filled lives. 

The Moon

The Capricorn Moon circled back into opposition with the Cancer Sun, and our subscious needs have cycled back to the practical and responsible Capricorn energy. The Blue Mead Moon underlines the significance of continuing to assess and prioritize the important things in our lives for emotional security. 

Pluto in Aquarius makes an out-of-sign conjunction to the Capricorn Moon adding weight to the need to end the old ways of doing and being that only hinder our emotional stability or added stress, tension, anxiety, or fear to our emotional baggage. Pluto encourages innovating new habits, hobbies, routines, and etc. as another form to empower the self, decentralizing control over our lives and our joys. 

Between the Moon in Capricorn and its conjunct pattern, Pluto in Aquarius, the Blue Mead Full Moon is no longer asking us to assess our progress. It is demanding us to calculate the value projects, goals, intentions, and things bring or take from our lives. If it brings value, Pluto aids the Moon in empowering it. If it detracts value, Pluto can transform or out right help release the hold it has on our lives, experiences, and emotions. 

This conjunction also reveals what we empower. To disempower the old traditions and orders, the Moon encourages releasing the negative emotions such as fear, hate, and anxiety because they only serve to strengthen what has been. Releasing those emotions to return to a neutral emotional state or experiencing positive feelings empowers our transcendence beyond the old and the transformation into the new. 


The three celestials—Eris, Chiron, and Haumea—challenging the Sun, Moon, and their conjunctions in squares this Blue Mead Moon, previously supported the Cancer and Capricorn placements in harmonious aspects. The change in aspect nature emphasizes how quickly change occurs and how fast Universe can act. 

Eris in Aries fearlessly fights for freedom, independence, and personal agency. Her rebellious nature squaring the cardinal placements shows an edge of dissatisfaction and discomfort forming around the energies of the Blue Mead Moon. Not only will Eris throw sharp elbows as the Sun and Moon begin to transit new energy, but she will also square off with any assessment leading away from or stagnating before personal autonomy. 

In the same sign of Aries, Chiron, on-the-other-hand, tiggers reactions and responses around unhealed wounds and victimization. In a square, Chiron can stall reprioritizing and finding joy to lick wounds or point fingers instead of taking action. Chiron’s square to the Sun, Moon, and its placement challenge us to continue to push forward towards living the life we dream and moving beyond the triggers in order to heal ourselves, our communities, and beyond. 

Meanwhile, Haumea at 1° Scorpio makes an out-of-sign square to the Capricorn-Cancer placements. The challenge Haumea presents during this full moon is to create and reform the environments around and within us during the appraisal process. We can’t move forward with realigned priorities if the ecology still supports the old traditions and ways we used to live. In order to make a lasting change, Haumea challenges us to create that reality as we manifest it into existence. 

Harmonious Aspects

The Blue Mead Full Moon has many harmonious aspects supporting the luminaries as they transit and us as we feel their vibrations including Mars, Uranus, Neptune, Juno, Lilith, and Makemake. 

Neptune, as I said above, is at the 29° of Pisces. While Neptune offers spiritual and psychic awareness, in harmony with the Sun and Moon can also cause Neptune’s energy to resonate too much. Moderation is the key to working with Neptune, as too much can lead to illusions, disillusionment, and even lies mistaken as truth. Too little Netunian energy can manifest as a lack of inspiration, empathy, or disbelief. Observing the flow of Neptune’s energy helps support us as we pursue joy and the life we dream of.

Juno in Virgo commits us to paying attention to the minute details and analyzing what exactly works for us and what works against us. Lilith in Libra encourages uninhibited and fearless conversations to expose our hesitations and traumas, as well as our strengths and beliefs to present our true selves to our conscious self. 

Also in Libra, Makemake manifests and creates natural order during chaos and crisis. This lunation, he supports the Sun, Moon, and their conjunctions through intelligent observation of the natural world. Somewhere in Nature, there exists a system or creature we can turn to as examples of how we desire our lives and world to actually be. Imitation is the best form of flattery, to paraphrase Oscar Wilde.  

The Stellium

Also in harmony with the Capricorn-Cancer placements is a stellium, a cluster of three or more planets in addition to or not including the Sun, Mercury, and Venus, since these three celestials are usually less than two signs away from each other. 

This stellium straddles the Taurus-Gemini cusp, consisting of Mars, Uranus, Sedna, and the fixed star Algol. 

If you’ve read previous full moon articles, you’ll know it’s not often I include stars, fixed or otherwise. Normally, I feel there are too many stars in the sky to include in a chart, but I like Algol. Rather I like the being Algol represents in Greek Myth, Medusa. 

Algol is a star in the constellation of Perseus, and it illustrates Medusa’s severed head as Perseus moves on to rescue Andromada. While the myth is tragic for Medusa, Algol in this stellium is interesting. 

As the constellation depicts Perseus holding Medusa’s head, Algol can signifying people losing their heads, reacting in anger, lashing out in fear or it can be leaders losing power or even petrifying in the moment, unable to find a way to move forward since her gaze still turned others to stone even when not attached to her body.

The Gemini Mars in this conjunction highlights strategic thinking and quick assaults whether cerebral jabs demanding untruths to be exposed and discussed or witty, verbal comebacks against criticism and cynicism around finding joy and prioritizing neutral or positive states of being.

Uranus in Taurus shakes and quakes the ground we once thought stable, figuratively or otherwise. Conjunct Algol, Mars, and Sedna, as well as trining the Capricorn Moon and sextiling the Cancer Sun, Uranus innovates and revolutionizes as we move forward to change and adapt to what we manifest for ourselves. 

Sedna’s part in the stellium is no less impactful as her dark, quiet realm in the deep sea also creates earthquakes we see and feel on the surface, sympathetic to hesitation and fear, but plunging us into the dark depths of our potential futures nonetheless. 

Between these four celestials, this stellium harmoniously aspects the Sun and Moon, supporting the changes as we trim away at what hinders and devalues our experiences, our emotions, and our lives. 

The Septile

The last aspect of import during the Blue Mead Full Moon is the septile between the Capricorn Moon and Pisces Saturn. The unconventional aspect stresses the irationale and metaphysical connection between the two points, signifying spiritual insights, mystical experiences, and a touch of destiny.

The Moon point of the septile fastens our subsciousness, our emotions, and according to Vedic tradition, our minds to Saturn point which anchors in discipline, responsibility, and structure. This septile’s connections aren’t too hard to see. Even the sign resonate well with the placemats in each other’s influence. Capricorn likes discipline, responsibility, and structure while Pisces enjoys the subconscious, emotions, and the mind, like psychology. 

The Moon-Saturn septile highlights the Blue Mead Full Moon potential development of our spiritual connections and live as well as its importance to our emotional and mental wellbeing. 

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We created Metaphysical Apothecary as a place to share hidden knowledge and, perhaps, use that knowledge to gain a deeper understanding of our universe and our purpose. 

By exploring history's secrets and uncovering lost or hidden knowledge, we can develop a deeper understanding of how to heal our bodies, minds, emotions, and spirits. 


What's in a name? 

Metaphysical means outside or beyond the physical realm. An apothecary is a place people visit to obtain the knowledge, supplies, and medicine needed to heal themselves. Healing alleviates suffering and helps us achieve peace, both with ourselves and with those around us.

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