Tomorrow, Saturday October 28th, at 4:23 EDT, the Bleeding Hunter’s Moon graces a final eclipse on the Taurus-Scorpio axis of values and responsibilities for the next 18+ years.
The Moon is exalted in Taurus—meaning it is comfortable and empowered in the sign—allowing our emotions to find stability, comfort, and the value of being grounded, spotlighting why we should value ourselves.
Jupiter, retrograding through Taurus, conjuncts the Moon and will travel back to the 5th degree of Taurus around December 15th until about January 15, 2024. Not only does Jupiter expand and increase the value of our self-worth and our stable emotions, but his continued presence around this degree will continue to ripple this full moon’s energies into the new year.
The Scorpio Sun brings awareness to our responsibilities and the resources we share. The Sun in this place also highlights the occult and other things society finds taboo.
Mercury, Mars, and Haumea conjunct the Sun in Scorpio. Mercury encourages sharing and communicating our thoughts, opinions, and ideas—especially around topics society prefers to keep buried, like talking about pay between colleagues. Mars provides the courage to handle what belongs to us and to unburden ourselves of the energies that don’t—what is and isn’t our responsibility.
In addition to their individual conjunction to the Sun, Mars and Mercury partner up, radiating from less than a degree from the other. This conjunction between the two planets blends the traits of either planetary energy into the execution of the other. For example Mercury’s communication and thought-processing can come off as sharp and even abrupt while Mars is thinking on our feet, quickly making decisions and taking action in the moment.
On October 1st, Haumea entered Scorpio. She’s been slowly meandering through the 0 degree of the sign since. Haumea’s energy brings profound connections to Nature, Creation, natural law, right action, and truth-telling. Conjunct the Scorpio Sun, Haumea builds a sacred—and shared—space to help facilitate change and transformation on a personal and interpersonal level. Haumea connects our consciousness to truth and natural law as well as exposing the laws, actions, and deceptions hidden from us.
The shift in the eclipse season from Taurus-Scorpio to Aries-Libra began back in March and the Bleeding Hunter’s Moon marks the last Lunar Eclipse on the Taurus-Scorpio axis for the next 18 years. Eclipses shake up and change how and what we interact with within the axis. For the past 18 months or so, this cycle focused on values and responsibilities, recognizing our self-worth and what we deserve.
This last eclipse underscores what needs rectifying to continue developing and makes it the Bleeding Hunter’s Moon. The Hunter aspect within all of us is tender and sensitive as it seeks the remaining energies hindering our self confidence and valuing our emotional well-being as well as pursuing the things that help support in our growth and transformation. Whether through active hunting or more passive trapping, finding these remnants continue to make us sensitive.
A skewed grand cross joins the energies alongside the Lunar Eclipse with the Taurus Moon, Leo Vulkan, Scorpio Sun, and Capricorn Pluto making up the four corners. Grand Crosses denote stress and tension pulling energies in all directions. Balancing the oppositions—Moon, Sun opposition and Vulkan, Pluto opposition—allows the Grand Cross to become a foundation to spring into action. Leo Vulkan creates and crafts while Capricorn Pluto exhumes institutional weaknesses—and the equilibrium between the two exists in their ability to empower us.
Another square placement, outside the grand cross, is Chariklo. Here, Chariklo challenges us and rubs our sense of comfort and perceptions of responsibility a little too raw in order to find energetic ways to heal the collective.
Meanwhile Lilith, Juno, Saturn, and Vesta make harmonious aspects to the Sun, Moon, and their conjunctions. In Virgo, Lilith helps sets boundaries—especially against impersonal systems—while Juno commits to taking practical actions to make everyday life comfortable. Saturn in Pisces reevaluates our long term plans to manifest our dream lives. Cancerian Vesta focuses on applying devotion to our emotional well-being.
The cosmic tug-of-war between Eclipse energy and the grand cross tension and footing, the Bleeding Hunter’s Moon accentuates our needs and aspirations around what we know we deserve. The various placements and aspects to the Scorpio Sun and Taurus Moon asks us to examine and delve into how we can get what we deserve and reinforce the value of our emotions, perception, and self-worth.