Hemp may be the ultimate embodiment of magick, in all its forms.
Hemp is an ancient resource used for both the magickal and the mundane.
In witchcraft and spellwork, it can be used for everything from clearing negative energy to crossing the borders between dimensions. Our pagan ancestors used it as incense, brewed it into teas for medicinal purposes, ingested it to alter and elevate their consciousness, and inhaled the smoke to bring on psychic visions and communicate with deities.
Medicinally, there are few things that cannabis can’t treat. As the legal restrictions around it relax, it’s become popular for alleviating chronic pain, treating stress, reducing anxiety, and increasing appetite. It’s even been used to help treat depression, fight cancer, and mend bones. These uses likely just scratch the surface of hemp’s medicinal potential.
However, hemp’s potential effect on our daily lives goes far beyond medicine and magick.
Hemp has the power to heal our world, help our society, and bring us back into synergy with nature.
For thousands of years, hemp was the crop of choice to produce everything from fabric and rope to concrete and food. In modern times, we’ve discovered it can also be used to replace one of the most harmful substances ever invented.
Hemp plastic is cheap to produce, requires absolutely no mining or fracking, and can easily be recycled at the end of its life.
For a deep dive into just how special this plant is, check out these resources:
The Very Useful Industrial Hemp | Industrial Hemp Solutions
TEDx Seattle | Amy Ansel
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